health coaching is the bridge that takes you from wanting something to actually achieving it.

Our session will be:

  • Personalized

    No two people are the same. We will assess where you are and where you want to be using tools like Viome and PureGenomics. Food plans from the Institute of Functional Medicine, including Detox, Cardiometabolic and Elimination Diet, may be used as a guide for your individual program. Cancer patients will have access to extensive resources from the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education. If your coaching needs are not medical, we can work towards reducing burnout and optimizing your quality of life.

  • Affordable

    My mission is to make functional health support accessible to those who need it most, so my session costs are low compared to other health coaches. I will be mindful of your budget regarding tests and recommendations. I will work with you on pricing and payment plans. Money should not be a barrier to feeling better!

  • Informative

    I believe that education allows you to make your own best decisions. No one knows your body better than you do. I have access to many resources and am always here to answer questions or provide support.

What you’ll get

  • A 75-minute intake and assessment session.

  • Discussion of optional tests such as Viome or 23 and Me.

  • Follow-up sessions of 30, 45 or 60 minutes.

  • Personalized plan that we determine together with REALISTIC, ACHIEVABLE goals.

  • Guidance and support via email.

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles.

  • Access to the Institute of Functional Medicine food plans and resources. Cancer patients will have access to materials from the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education.

  • The cost is $60 one hour; $30 for a half-hour; and $45 for 45 minutes.

health COaching options:


  • 20-minute appointment to discuss whether functional medicine coaching is a good fit for you.


  • 75-minute intake, where we will review your current diet, movement, and symptoms; we will discuss realistic goals, optional diagnostic tests and nutritional support. $75


  • 60-minutes, $60

  • 45-minutes, $45

  • 30-minutes, $30


  • 75-minute intake for Cancer Coaching. This may include sessions for those looking to prevent cancer, mitigate side effects of treatment, complement treatments with a healthier lifestyle, or rebuild after treatment.

  • 75-minute Viome review and tailored-follow-up plan. Viome Gut Intelligence testing provides insight into your microbiome and GI health. Health Intelligence testing adds overall health measures to the Gut Intelligence test. $75

  • 75-minute PureGenomics review and plan. PureGenomics is a program that uses 23&Me and Ancestry data to create supplement/nutritional recommendations based on your genes. $75

  • 75-minute Elimination Diet coaching. We will work on the IFM Elimination Diet protocol to help reduce inflammation and determine possible food intolerances. $75

  • 75-minute Detox Diet coaching. We will follow the IFM Detox Diet protocols and work to reduce your body's toxic load. $75

  • 75-minute Genetic Lifehacks coaching. We will use the 96-page gene report as a guide to create a food/lifestyle plan. $75

  • 75-minute Epidemic Answers Children’s Wellness Coaching. We will determine how to reduce your child’s total load and create a lifestyle plan that works for your family.

  • 60-minute one-time session. We will use the time any way you choose! $60