nitric oxide testing

Most people have never heard of nitric oxide, yet it is essential to keeping the body running smoothly. Its most important function is vasodilation, meaning it relaxes the inner muscles of the blood vessels, causing them to widen and increase circulation. It allows blood, nutrients and oxygen to travel to every part of your body effectively and efficiently.

There are ways to naturally increase nitric oxide. These include eating more greens, including celery, spinach, beetroot, lettuce and arugula. Increasing antioxidant consumption also helps, as toxins contribute to the short life of nitric oxide in the bloodstream. Foods high in antioxidants include berries, kale, cabbage, dark chocolate and green tea.

Supplements can also be helpful in boosting nitric oxide. These may include Neo 40 (HumanN), Citranox (OrthoMolecular), Nitric Oxide Ultra and Nitric Oxide Support (Pure).

Nitric oxide can be tested with just a small amount of saliva. Testing is available here for $15.