Detox diet
Toxins are something we hear about every day. Different foods boost “antioxidants” and products are sold as “clean” or “organic.” What does this mean to you?
The truth is, most of us are exposed to an incalculable amount of chemicals daily. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the amount of chemicals worldwide tripled between 1970 and 1995. Our bodies were not built to handle the constant onslaught of “invaders,” leading to more symptoms and illnesses in recent years.
Sources of toxin exposure may include:
Outdoor air
Indoor air
Pesticides on your food
Genetically modified foods
Makeup and skin products
Cleaning products
Food/water storage containers
Dental work
Workplace chemicals (i.e. hair color, hand sanitizer, factory emissions)
Electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure
Your body’s ability to clear toxins is a key factor in whether or not they will affect your health. Some people are genetically impaired when it comes to detoxification pathways, and need extra nutritional support. (Pure Genomics testing will reveal this trait.)
A Detox coaching session will include an analysis of possible exposure, and a plan to help your body release these chemicals and heal. The Institute of Functional Medicine Detox Diet, adapted to your taste and lifestyle, will be used as a guide. The cost is $75 for a 75-minute session.