Pure insight

We have all heard of 23&Me and Ancestry testing. Some people use them to find out their cultural backgrounds, while others seek out DNA relatives they may not know. Most of us, however, use the testing to garner health information. 

These tests provide data on basic genetic tendencies, such as likelihood to develop Type 2 diabetes or macular degeneration. They even provide information such as likelihood to flush after drinking alcohol to the ability to curl one’s tongue.

The data generated from these tests can be applied to more complex programs that detail your specific gene characteristics, and where you might need extra nutritional support. One of these is Pure Insight.

Pure Insight uses 23&Me and Ancestry testing to translate genetic data into simple reports that enable users to make informed and customized lifestyle and nutritional recommendations. For example, the COMT gene indicates that your body processes dopamine too quickly, and that you may have trouble with focusing. People with this gene also have a tendency to crave salty food and demonstrate reward-seeking behaviors. Studies have shown that people with the COMT gene do better with dopaminergic medications and supplements.

The MTHFR gene is another standout. This gene means people may have trouble converting folic acid to methyl folate, which is necessary for methylation. Methylation allows internal switches to go off and on, to keep your body working properly. Without methyl folate, this process may stop altogether. Research has shown a correlation with the MTHFR gene and colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, digestive issues, hormonal issues and migraines. It also causes the body’s detoxification system to slow down. People with the MTHFR gene may benefit from supplementation of vitamin B and methyl folate, as well as support for detoxification.

These are just a few examples of what is revealed by the Pure Insight report. The report includes a list of genes and recommendations to support your specific genetic needs. The report is free from Pure Insight and a coaching session to generate the report and review it is $75.

To get a Pure Insight report, you will first need to complete a kit from Ancestry or 23 and Me. These can be bought online or in some stores. Once you have the kit, you will need to register it online.

23 and Me:
Ancestry DNA:

Once you have activated your kit and sent in your saliva sample, it will take about 4-6 weeks for results to arrive via email. You will then be given the option to download the report. Download it to your computer. I will ask you to forward this to run through the Pure Genomics site for your appointment.