Genetic Lifehacks

There is no debating the relationship between our health and our genes. For some, this is good news; for others, it can be downright terrifying. While genes can provide a sort of guide, they are not a guaranteed predictor as to the future challenges that lie ahead for us.

Genes can reveal predispositions to certain conditions, such as autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and strokes. However, environment and lifestyle play a huge role as to whether these predispositions will lead to actual health issues down the line. That is, if your genes show challenges with detoxification, you may want to take steps to avoid exposure to smoke, mold or chemicals. If you are prone to diabetes, a low-carb, whole food diet and regular exercise will likely keep your blood sugar levels stable. And Celiac genes generally indicate that your body suffers inflammation from gluten, whether you are experiencing gastrointestinal issues or not; avoiding it may help solve/avoid a myriad of issues.

So knowing your genes can be incredibly helpful in creating an overall health plan. Genetic Lifehacks offers genetics reports that include:

  • Mood and Brain

  • Inflammation/Immune

  • Autoimmune Diseases

  • Sleep/Circadian

  • Long Covid

  • Longevity

  • Heart Health

  • Gut Health

  • Nutrients

  • Methylation Cycle

  • Disease Prevention

  • Metabolic Health

  • Athletics and Exercise

  • Hormones

  • Detoxification

  • Fertility

  • Supplement Research

  • Traits

The Sleep/Circadian report includes the CLOCK gene; people with this gene tend to become more active at night and have difficulty settling down. The Mood and Brain report outlines dopamine and serotonin genes, and likelihood of depression and anxiety. The Detoxification report reveals genes that make you susceptible to liver impairment from plastics exposure. And the Autoimmune report reveals whether you have tendencies for diseases such as lupus, psoriasis, Grave’s Disease, POTS or Guillain-Barre syndrome. 

Many of these genes go unexpressed; however, awareness of them means you can take more precautions to keep them in check. It may also be helpful in knowing why you cannot sleep as easily as other people, or why you have stubborn high cholesterol when you eat well and exercise. 

These reports are invaluable in creating YOUR specific health plan, tailored to your body and lifestyle. To get a Genetic Lifehacks report, you will first need to complete a kit from Ancestry or 23 and Me. These can be bought online or in some stores. Once you have the kit, you will need to register it online.

23 and Me:

Ancestry DNA:

Once you have activated your kit and sent in your saliva sample, it will take about 4-6 weeks for results to arrive via email. You will then be given the option to download the report. Download it to your computer. I will ask you to forward this to run through the Genetic Lifehacks site for your appointment.