A Guide to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and Hypermobile Spectrum Disorder (HDS) are becoming more and more common, but there is little information available. This guide has information on symptoms, and treatments to help manage and prevent pain and injuries stemming from EDS and HDS.
a guide to sibo
Although many people have not heard of it, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is involved in 60-70% of IBS cases. It is stubborn to eradicate and often recurs. Read here for information on symptoms, testing, and treatments.
a guide to mold
When mold has made you sick, the prospect of addressing it in the home can be overwhelming. I have compiled a comprehensive guide to identifying mold symptoms, testing your body and home, remediation and rebuilding your body.
the mental load
Why do women hit a wall at around the age of 35-40? Years of carrying the “mental load” can take a toll. Why do women end up this way, and why is prioritizing ourselves the key to better health?
ticked off
Tick-borne diseases are well-known in functional medicine for their debilitating and sometimes long-term symptoms. Learn about the three most common diseases, and how to prevent, diagnose and treat them in this article.
A functional medicine guide to migraines
With all of the advancements in health, there has been little progress in the prevention and treatment of migraines. Functional medicine, in addressing the body’s total load, provides one of the best options for those suffering from this debilitating and unpredictable ailment.
MTHFR: The mother of all genes
Investigating your genes is a good place to start when addressing health concerns. The MTHFR gene plays a major role in cellular function in the body, and can contribute to a variety of health issues including depression, migraines, heart disease and Alzheimer’s Disease, to name a few. People with the MTHFR gene may experience methylation levels at 90% below average. Learn more about the MTHFR gene, including tests and treatments.
And the answer is…it’s personal
Everyone claims to have the magic bullet to improve your health…but the bottom line is, your genes and “total load” are different. By learning about your specific needs, you will have the tools to take care of yourself for the long-term.
holistic help for insomnia
Can’t sleep? You are not alone. Insomnia becomes a self-perpetuated cycle as bedtime becomes more and more stressful the less you sleep. Read more for nutritional and herbal supports to help you get your best sleep.
Things to keep in mind if you are going vegan/vegetarian
Vegan/vegetarian diets are often touted for everything from reducing heart disease to fighting cancer. So why do people on these diets often have poor bloodwork? Read more about nutrients lacking in many vegan/vegetarian diets and symptoms to watch out for.
getting real about urinary tract infections
There are lots of recommendations for UTIs, particularly cranberry juice. As someone who has experienced too many UTIs to count, I know that many of these suggestions hurt more than they help. Read more for my UTI recommendations based on personal experience.
how to order your own labs
Lab testing is becoming more affordable and accessible to consumers, without waiting for a doctor’s orders. And the results could be life-changing.
Changes I Have Made to Reduce My Risk of Cancer
After doing coursework on cancer coaching, I have made specific changes to my own daily routine to help prevent cancer.
Enter Knowledge, Exit Fear
While most of us fear cancer and see it as a random event, research indicates it is closely tied to our lifestyles. Things like toxins, diet and stress can all be addressed to help make ourselves a less inviting “host” for cancers.
The Gut-Brain Connection
While traditional medicine treats the brain and GI tract as separate entities, functional medicine recognizes the important relationship between them.
Natural supplements for aches and pains
While NSAIDS are the go-to source of pain relief for most people, they have been associated with undesirable side effects in the digestive system. There are many natural options for muscle and bone health that can help reduce inflammation and support the healing process.
Handy Supplements for Stomach Distress
All of us have suffered from GI symptoms at some time or another. For some, it happens regularly, while others only have the occasional bout of acid reflux or diarrhea. Read more about my favorite supplements for gentle relief and gut-rebuilding.
Gain Health, Lose Weight
There are many pitfalls that come with trendy diets. The IFM food plans have been created with the intention to heal the body for long-term health and, hopefully, weight loss.
When Darkness Falls, Take Your Vitamin D
Vitamin D is crucial to many functions of the body but gets easily depleted here in the north. Read about its functions and signs of deficiency.
Does Difficult Health Mean You’re “Difficult”?
Those with chronic health issues tend to be labeled as “high-maintenance.” Why is society so hard on those who are already suffering?