And the answer is…it’s personal

When it comes to health, everyone has an answer. (Actually, more like an opinion.) Take this pill, do this treatment, try this magic herb…this will DEFINITELY work for you.

If there is one thing I have learned after completing three health coaching certifications in three very different areas, it is that there is no “answer". And there is no one thing that will DEFINITELY work for everyone. Most illness occurs when several things are happening at once and the body reaches its breaking point.

Functional medicine looks “upstream” to find the root cause of symptoms in the body. Susan Silberstein, founder of the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education, refers to cancer as a “multiplicity of malfunctions in the body.” And Epidemic Answers, geared to young children, points to the “total load” the child is carrying as the reason he has become sick. 

Long story short: finding relief from your health problem may not be as simple as swallowing a pill or getting surgery. You may be able to temporarily quash symptoms, but if whatever led to your diagnosis is not addressed, your problems will likely eventually return in one form or another.

Everyone’s “load” is different, and your tolerance may be affected by genes that can make you more or less prone to be affected by your environment. (These genes may include the MTHFR methylation gene and other detoxification genes,) 

Examples of insults that contribute to your total load:

  • Your mother’s health during pregnancy including nutrition, medications, toxin exposure and stress.

  • A C-section birth or being infused with antibiotics at birth.

  • Frequent illnesses with antibiotic use.

  • Exposure to toxins, through air, food and personal products. (Since World War II, 80,000 new chemicals have been introduced.)

  • Processed food lacking in nutrients.

  • Latent bacterial, viral or fungal infections.

  • Stress and/or trauma.

  • Habits such as smoking or vaping.

  • Lack of exercise.

There are no two people with the same total load and gene pool, which means that each person must examine his/her own situation and go from there. And truthfully, until you begin unpeeling the many layers, you don’t know which element is having the most detrimental effect. One person may have Lyme Disease that is throwing off the immune system; someone else may have childhood trauma that has left them in a state of perpetual fight or flight. The only way to find out is to may seem overwhelming at first, but by process of elimination, you will get there. And by reducing your total load, you may be preventing future issues that could be even worse. (According to Epidemic Answers, evidence of systemic struggles start with the skin, move to the digestive system, and then become neurological.)

So how do I, as a health coach, help you address your underlying issues? As a former journalist, I love to gather and provide information:

  • A look at your diet. They say food is medicine and to a large extent, it is true. A diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants helps the body do its work; a diet of processed food has the opposite effect, making the body work harder just to deal with the negative effects, i.e. lack of nutrients, toxins and fluctuating blood sugar. We will look at your diet, address your specific needs and challenges, and create a plan for healthy eating.

  • A look at your genes. I offer Genetic Lifehacks, which provides nearly 100 pages of genetic data that originates with a simple 23&Me or Ancestry test. Some genes, such as MTHFR or APOE, have known connections to specific health issues. Others, such as COMT or CLOCK, may indicate reasons for overeating or insomnia. Another program is PureGenomics, which indicates how genes interact with nutrients, and makes recommendations for supplements based on your specific needs.

  • Optional testing. If you have ever been frustrated by your doctor’s refusal to order a test, you are not alone. Most doctors have been trained in a traditional way and focus on providing medications to alleviate symptoms. With functional medicine, the idea is to look at how efficiently systems of the body are working, and how they can be improved. You can order your own tests for nearly everything these days: gut health, allergies and intolerances, nutrient status, heavy metal/toxin exposure, thyroid levels, autoimmune antibodies, Lyme disease, mold exposure…you name it, it is available. Many offer a consultation with a doctor to review results. Having this information is empowering..if you know you have Lyme Disease, you can seek out a specialist who can help you. Or knowing your food allergies or intolerances means you can eliminate them. As an information seeker, I am a HUGE fan of ordering your own tests.

  • A look at your toxins. Like it or not, toxins are everywhere all the time. In our food, in our air, in our water, and in our personal products. We will look at your body’s ability to detoxify as well as what you were or are presently exposed to. We will then come up with ways to reduce your toxic load.

  • A look at your stress/lifestyle. This is a tough one, and possibly the most difficult. Stress and trauma play a large role in our health, as fight-or-flight puts the body into inflammation mode. A state of perpetual flight or flight leads to adrenal fatigue, exhaustion, and the flare up of many conditions. We will look at your stress, working within what can be changed and what cannot be changed. And we will find ways to address burnout and help “fill your bucket.”

This list may seem daunting, but as a health coach, I love the challenge. Helping clients address the true, root cause of their health issues is incredibly rewarding, as I know that they will have the ability to take care of themselves now and in the long term.

No shortcuts or easy answers here…just true, better health.


MTHFR: The mother of all genes


holistic help for insomnia